Now through October 15th, 2021 – Get 10% OFF Entire Purchase and help support Save Our Allies in rescuing/Aiding Afghan Allies and their families.

Promo Code: saveourallies

Rachel Miller Bio PicHi! I am Rachel Miller. Welcome to the ChaiNook—a subdomain of

The ChaiNook is more than just a blog or an online store. I’ve set up this special part of my website as a place where we can not only gather around the ideas of chivalry, courage, compassion, and communion but also act on them.

The ChaiNook originated in my book Shadows of Chivalry, in which the key characters (Kelly, Kali, and Matt) discover the need for courage and chivalry in our world today. In the story, the ChaiNook is a simple tea house where friends gather. But the discussions that take place in that tea house and the events surrounding them push the characters out of the shadows and into a life of chivalry.

I hope this will be such a place. That’s why I’ve incorporated a blog specifically on the topic of chivalry and living with courageous faith. As well as a “Be Inspired” section where YOU can share real stories of chivalry, courage,  compassion and communion with the Lord. Let’s change the world together!

To get started, check out our blog, shop, and “Be Inspired” sections of this website, and be sure to join our community through the links below this video.

God has not called us to lives of meager existence. He has called us to a life of courageous faith. There’s no better time to start than now.

Join our Facebook Community

Many have called this generation the “fatherless generation.” Having worked in orphan care and children’s ministry for more than twenty years and experiencing the loss of my own father in 2014, I know first hand the heartache and needs these children experience. That’s why a portion of every purchase made through the ChaiNook will go to support work among orphans, foster children, non-parental guardians, and single moms and their children.