Poste Theme: Courage Begets Courage I recently met a single mom who absolutely amazes me, and she probably doesn’t have any idea how truly awesome she is. If you see her coming down the street, you’ll see a small, bright, smiling woman, who looks just like anyone else. The more you get to know her, …
Prayer, Protection, and Peonies
Post Theme: Protect The Weak Protecting Those Who Cannot Protect Themselves One morning last week, as I stepped out onto my front steps, I noticed the buds on my peony bush were just about to burst open. “Oh, you’ll be open by the time I get home!” I said to them as I walked by. …
When You Don’t Feel Courageous
Post Theme: When You Don’t Feel Courageous I have been working on a different post for about a week and a half and should probably be posting it tonight, but something else is on my mind. This will be short and sweet because it’s late and morning comes very early, but I think it’s worth …
The Journey Begins
Post Theme: Chivalry and the Courageous Life Chivalry and the Courageous Life What if someone walked up to you and told you they were going to give you a chance to change the world? What if the only qualification for the opportunity was a test proving your Chivalry, Compassion, Commitment And passion to live …
Hello world!
I’m so happy to welcome you to The ChaiNook. A Little ChaiNook History In my upcoming book, Shadows of Chivalry, the ChaiNook plays a seemingly insignificant role. Kelly meets there with her friend Sarah to chat. Matt spies on his “bus friend” from behind a wall and learns of her struggles. The Trevor Street Crisis …