Barren Fields Fruitful Gardens Books 1-3


Barren Fields, Fruitful Gardens Books 1-3: Winter’s Prey, Field of Ashes, and Roses at Sunset.

(Or get the 3-in-1 set on Kindle here.)


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$55 — Includes Shipping within the U.S.

Many of the scenarios, characters reactions to situations, and words “spoken” by characters both encouraged and challenged me spiritually. I’m not sure I even knew fiction could do this. Thank you, Rachel for using your gifts to God’s glory! — Leigh Ann, Russia

Barren Fields, Fruitful Gardens Series

Winter's Prey CoverBarren Fields, Fruitful Gardens, Book 1 — Winter’s Prey

“In our darkest, weakest hour, He is waiting to be our strength, but we have to accept His help.”

When the cruel elements of the Montana Territory inflict tragedy on the Bennett family, life is forever changed. Jess is certain the answer to her pain lies in starting over. Her brother Marc is determined to stay true to what he has always known.

Amidst the constant battle for survival and the conflict in their hearts, both siblings stand at the threshold of surrender to God. What will they choose?


More Than Just A Story

The story of Marc and Jess is not unique to them. We each face trials, struggles, and even tragedy. We each have a choice of how we will respond. Will we:

  • Keep trusting the Lord when things don’t go the way we’d imagined,
  • Trust when everything seems lost,
  • Rejoice when there’s little to rejoice over,
  • Choose to be true to what we’ve always believed,
  • Or turn our back on our faith?

But Winter’s Prey doesn’t simply present the struggles. It goes on to explore:

  • Contentment,
  • The peace of faith, and
  • God’s ever-present help in time of trouble.

Listen to a sample of Winter’s Prey!

What people are saying about Winter’s Prey:

“There are those books that just draw you into the characters and leave you wanting more. This is one of those books. There is so much raw emotion and family drama and I found myself unable to put the book down. I am so glad there is a sequel waiting for me rather than me waiting for the sequel. I want to know what happens to Jess as she makes the choice to leave her family and continue her run from God and those who love her. A wonderful read.” — Mary Gray Whitcomb – Amazon Customer

“Much more than a romance novel or a pioneer western, this book blessed and encouraged me.” — cckajones – Amazon Customer


Field of Ashes CoverBarren Fields, Fruitful Gardens, Book 2 — Field of Ashes

The beauty of our brokenness is that God not only restores but He also makes all things new.

From the moment Jessica Bennett steps foot in the untamed, cowtown of Grassdale, she discovers a whole new world of challenges: An unruly superintendent, a ramshackle school, drunken cowboys, and a letter from home that changes everything. When the hidden wounds of her heart are discovered, will one man’s secret past hold the key to her healing?

Easy has never been the path Marcus Bennett sought, but as summer unfolds he comes face to face with the one struggle he has avoided for years. When life takes an unexpected turn, he finds himself torn between his responsibilities, his love for his family, and the promptings of his heart. Would God really ask him to abandon his home and family?

This sequel to Winter’s Prey explores the beauty of God’s amazing grace and astounding love, the freedom of surrender, and the hope of experience, though faith be tried by fire.

Right Where We Are

The story of Marc and Jess may be set more than 130 years ago, but the lessons are just as real for us today. Each of us face the struggles of:

  • Maintaining faith in the midst of days when we simply don’t understand
  • Longing for someone to relate to our deepest, most broken places
  • Accepting situations of pain and sorrow and surrendering to God in them
  • Decision making when the decisions God has put before us don’t make sense
  • The realness of grief and the need to walk through it.

But Field of Ashes doesn’t simply present the struggles. It goes on to explore:

  • The hope of experience
  • The freedom of surrender, and
  • God’s amazing love, abundant grace, forever-enduring mercies, and faithfulness to forgive.

What people are saying about Field of Ashes:

“A journey from the ashes of bitterness to the light of God’s redeeming love.” — Marta – Laurel, MT

“Wow, just, wow. It’s even better than the first book!!!” — Ann – Rockford, IL

“You need to read this book. A novel that will not only grab you and hold you from page one but will also challenge and encourage you in your life! A blessing of a book that you won’t regret reading.” — Sarah – North Platte, NE


Roses At SunsetBarren Fields, Fruitful Gardens, Book 3 – Roses At Sunset

“Faith is proven in the storm not in the calm.” — Anna Close, Roses At Sunset

Jessica Bennett returns to Grassdale, finding joy in her renewed faith and life at the Crescent Creek Ranch. Clues begin to surface in the mystery of the wildfire that destroyed the school, putting Scotch Jorgenson in the middle of it all. When Wesley Close announces a trip across the wilderness during winter’s coldest months, new questions and fears arise. Has Wes discovered something new about who started the fire? Will he survive the journey? The true depth of Jessica’s surrender faces an enormous test. Will she choose to trust? And what about the man watching her?

When Marcus Bennett chooses to step out in the direction the Lord is leading, he expects to see God provide. But the days of waiting prove longer than anticipated. As Papa’s health declines and the family’s needs grow, will Marc keep his eyes on the Lord? Or will he disappear into the storm raging in his heart?

This sequel to Field of Ashes explores the peace found in Christ, the consolation of the God who never leaves us comfortless, and the fruit of a heart well tended.

You’re Not Alone

Do you ever find yourself walking through a struggle that greatly tests your most recent commitments to God? You’re not alone. This is how God tries our faith. In Roses At Sunset, Jess faces a test of her commitment to surrender her life and circumstances to God. Marc, who has just learned the importance of placing those he loves into God’s hands (Winter’s Prey) discovers he’s not ready to let go. Each of us faces the struggles of:

  • Trusting when we don’t understand what God or others are doing,
  • Confusion and frustration when God’s timing doesn’t agree with ours,
  • Failing to cultivate the soil in our hearts so that God can accomplish His work there,
  • Praying in frustration rather than listening for guidance,
  • Missing opportunities to live out compassion.

But Roses At Sunset doesn’t simply present the struggles. It goes on to explore:

  • The peace of keeping our gaze on Jesus
  • The beauty of a heart that allows God to tend its soil
  • The provision of a God whose timing is always perfect.

What people are saying about Roses At Sunset:

“It’s Wonderful.” — Sonia – Broadview, MT

“I would recommend this book to others. It is a family friendly book that shows the hope found in the Lord even in the midst of trials.” — Jessica – Billings, MT

“I loved this book! …I also loved how several of the characters redeemed themselves, how they rose above the low expectations people had for them and turned out to not be the scoundrels people thought they were. You will laugh and cry in this. The story isn’t all “Roses” for the Bennetts and Closes, but you’ll get to watch their faith grow and mature as they make right choices, even in the face of challenging circumstances.” — John Galt, Amazon Review

Get the Whole Barren Fields, Fruitful Gardens Series for just $55

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