Plucked From The Burning


Plucked From the Burning – Non-fiction

304 Pages

1 in stock


Plucked From The Burning: Embracing God’s Purpose

“It’s a miracle anyone survived. I’ve never seen an airplane so devastated.”

All too often, as we travel the road of life, we visualize unrealistic goals for ourselves. Though noble, they aren’t necessarily what God has planned for us. Deep inside each of us, the somebody we desire to be is not usually the person God designed us to be. When we focus on self-serving goals, we eventually find ourselves discouraged because these goals don’t agree with what God planned for our life or how He uniquely designed us. His ways are always perfect. Our ways fall short and disappoint—especially ourselves.

After months of discouragement from not reaching the superficial goals Ken and Beth Spilger had set for themselves, they yielded to do and be what God wanted. But even then something was not right. At a pastors’ conference, a speaker encouraged those attending to pray a prayer of commitment to the Lord, Ken prayed:

Lord, You know I have made this commitment hundreds of times. I know something in my life is not right. I don’t know what it is, so I ask You to deal with it and to do whatever You have to do to make whatever is wrong right.

A few hours after this prayer, God put the Spilgers on a journey that forever changed their lives.

The small private plane in which Ken was traveling home after the conference crashed. Ken was the only survivor. He received burns that covered a third of his body.

Plucked from the Burning is the story of how God turned a trial into triumph and how Ken and Beth learned to walk in the the grace of God.

Trials are not a one-time experiences. They come at all stages of life, but God gives us tools to help us walk through those trials in a victorious manner. You’ll laugh and you’ll cry as you read Ken and Beth’s story. You’ll identify with their trials. And you’ll find that you, too, can apply what God taught them to your everyday life. This book will challenge and encourage you to embrace God’s specific purpose for your life personally.


About the Authors of Plucked From the Burning

Plucked From The Burning Author PicKen and Beth have been married over forty years. In 1980, Ken was the only survivor of a small plane crash. God has and is continuing to use this tragedy to deepen His work in their life and ministry and has given them a vision to raise up godly generations who will impact this world for Christ now, and for generations to come. Ken has been the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in the Greater St. Louis area for over forty years. They now have seven children and eight grandchildren.


What people are saying about Plucked From The Burning:

“So glad to get your great book!  I could hardly make myself put it down when necessary. I need another book to have for a gift.” — Joan

I finished reading your book! I cannot find adequate words to express the blessing and encouragement it was. The experiences you wrote about brought me to tears repeatedly. Folks cannot go through experiences such a you did and come out victorious without true faith in the Lord. Precious to me is also that fact that your children love and serve the Lord as well.” — Becky

The book came and I’m so happy to have it. I have almost finished reading it and not without tears. You did a wonderful job writing it.” — Ruth, Widow of one of the pastors who died in the crash.

There are a lot of hurting people in this world and your book will help them weather it is physical, mental or emotional issues they are dealing with. It brought me again to the feet of our Lord. I was once and again reminded that Christ is my all in all.” — Tim

Plucked From the Burning was an inspiration to me because I realized that the scars (both literal and figurative) that we are given in life can be used for the glory of God, no matter how painfully we receive them. While I would never wish to compare my trials to those that you have experienced, my mind kept going back to the loss of my father when I was twelve years old. Your book gave me renewed assurance that God has a purpose in what happened to my family. I do not know exactly what that purpose is, but I know He will use my life and its trials for His glory if I will only embrace His purpose as your books says.” —Jordan


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